Saturday 12 March 2011

Veni Vidi Vrisbee

My other new sport is Ultimate Frisbee.  Having played a few social games with people in my department, we caved in to pressure from a frisbee loving friend* EL and formed a team for the six week Canberra Summer League. Veni Vidi Vrisbee, is our team name.  We came, we saw, we played frisbee! (but not necessarily conquered).
Being a team of novices we were pretty bad to begin, with, but over the course of six weeks we've got a lot better.  We can actually play Ultimate now, rather than running around like headless chickens.
Our record during the first five games: LDLLL.  Not so good, especially when really we should have won two of the games but we weren't quite good enough to cut out the mistakes when it mattered.  And so we found ourselves in the last place play-off for 15th place and to avoid the wooden spoon.  And we won!  Hooray!
The Autumn league begins in three or four weeks time.  Can't wait!
* he really does.  His eyes light up whenever you give him a frisbee and he looks like an excited child.

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