Wednesday 2 March 2011

Tassie Trip: Freycinet Peninsula

As part of our trip to Tasmania we went walking on the Freycinet Peninsula on the east coast of the island.  It was warm, sunny and beautiful.  Perfect for a three day, two night walk and a chance to test out my brand-new shiny super-awesome tent.

Hazard's beach looking towards Mt. Freycinet.  It was really windy that afternoon and the waves were big and pounding

Cook's Beach. Camp for the first night was at the far end.

It had a nice view.

And sunset (though you shouldn't always trust the sunset pics from my camera, they're suspiciously good, often better than reality! it really emphasises reds and such)

The view from Mt. Freycinet out towards the Hazards with Wineglass Bay in front, beautiful.

 More nice views from the top.

MC's boot died a death on the trip, it only just made it round thanks to the power of paracord, bandages and plaster tape.

Wineglass Bay, camp for the second night.  A beautiful place.  Voted/rated one of the top ten beaches in the world according to some American magazine, the obvious authority. It was very very nice. With a stunning backdrop of the Hazards behind it and waves that broke almost perfectly round the curve of the beach.  I think the beach was shaped in a pretty much a perfect spiral (or part thereof) with an ever decreasing/increasing radius of curvature.

Novel engineering approaches for getting through a three day hike when the rubber midsole of your boot decides to disintergrate on the first day.

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