Sunday 13 March 2011

Tassie Trip: Cradle Mountain

In the wild west of Tasmania lies the real wilderness. While we didn't reach the far west, battered year-round by the roaring forties, we did visit Cradle Mountain (kind of on the east of the west!) for a day walk up one of Tasmania's most iconic mountains.  Its the start of the Overland Track, Australia's best multi-day walk, taking anywhere from three to nine days depending on which mountains you want to climb on the way, all self-sufficient so its pretty tough.  Two of my friends did it a few weeks before.  We considered it but really when you only have a week in Tasmania theres lots else to do.  Maybe one for the future. Anyway, we had an excellent day's hiking.
Crater lake. I assume its a crater lake, i didn't actually check, but that's it's name.
The approach to Cradle Mountain. Its 1,545m high.  But the plateau it rises from is about 1,100m and the carpark is at 900m so its a 600m climb or so.
However, the top is very rocky.  And involves a good thirty minutes of scrambling (which is a lot).  I love scrambling, its like being in an adventure playground for adults, you get to clamber and use your hands and its great fun.

Perfect weather for climbing mountains. Clear, warm.
Its a great fun mountain to climb.  I love it!
The view from the top is not half bad at all.
Barn Bluff, the next destination on the Overland track.  Probably in reach of a day's walk if you get up early enough!
Like a jaggedy Suilven.
Some pretty awesome skies on the way back down.

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