Wednesday 1 September 2010


Its the 31st of August, and I'm off to Australia.  Obviously this blog looks a bit bare to begin with, I'm only starting it with about an hour before I head off to the airport, but hopefully I'll stick at it and we'll see where it leads.  Part ramblings about grad-student life, part travelogue, part cultural sterotyping and part science blog is the aim of this, we'll see how it goes, I bet I end up talking about Arsenal. I'm taking with me approximately my own weight in stuff, half on the plane, and half in a box being freighted.  Its really not that much stuff to be fair.  I do have accommodation for at least a couple of days, got that sorted towards the death.  And I finally got paid for my last couple of weeks from my previous employer, so I have a small amount of money too. So how hard can it be?

Its been great seeing everybody over the last few weeks but for now its, adios amigos, see you soon.

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