Tuesday 19 April 2011

Summer days, winter nights, Autumn in Canberra

Its Autumn in Canberra, the city's second best season (after Spring apparently).  Leaves on the trees are turning all sorts of attractive shades of yellows, oranges and reds. But its a confusing season in Canberra at the moment.  Daytime temperatures are still pushing over the 20 degree mark every day, its t-shirt weather between eleven and three.  But the nights have turned cold, lows were around ten or so which was mild enough, but in the last week they've dropped to six or so, which is cold enough to be considered actually cold.  As opposed to the cold Australians moan about below about 15. I'm beginning to consider gloves in the mornings now and what with the lack of insulation in pretty much all of Canberra's homes (and no-one has central heating) it might be time to invest in a heater.

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