Sunday 3 April 2011

Never judge a burger by its cover

This is Brodburger, home to the best burgers in Canberra.  This fact is not disputed by any local, they are the best.

Located in a caravan on the lake on the south-side this place has a steady throng of customers every lunchtime, seven days a week. Politicians and public servants during the week, families and students at the weekend.  On a sunny saturday lunchtime its very popular. Its achieved cult status in Canberra.  Occasionally unknowing authorities try to shut it down, the popular uproar is so great it never gets far.

They only have a certain amount of stock per day, and they close once its sold, we were lucky as we were the last in the queue before they decided to stop selling.  As they make the burgers to order, and with such a long backlog of customers building up it took an entire hour to get round to our order. But if you bring along a picnic blanket and the weekend paper, its a very enjoyable wait on the grass by the lake. A perfect way to hang out with friends (in this case my housemates) at the weekend.

And the wait was worth it. The burger was brilliant. Big and filling but not oversized and stuffing.  Meaty, perfectly done and slightly pink on the inside. Crisp not soggy lettuce and tomato.  Good amounts of relish and sauce, enough to add flavour, not too much to make the burger soggy or overpower the real flavours. Good quality bread, not too doughy. You get a choice of cheese with it, brie, swiss or blue (in the form of a sauce in the case of the blue). I'm not usually a blue cheese fan, but it was just the right amount of blue cheese, enough to compliment the meat and make it cheesy, not too much to overpower.  Can you tell I loved this burger!

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