Monday 14 February 2011

Multicultural Festival

Over the weekend there was a mulitcultural festival in Canberra, lots of tents selling food and beer, and a few stages with entertainment ranging from very good to cringing in the way that local dance groups can be.  It was all rather good.  I'd never really though of Canberra as being that multicultural.  Having grown up in London and seen how diverse Sydney can be, Canberra isn't that multicultural in, say percentage terms.  But it is very multicultural in the sense that there are many, many different cultures represented, which is good.  From pacific islanders, to the indian subcontinent, from west africa to the baltic states, there were a lot of tents from a lot of countries.  It could well be to do with the very transient population Canberra has, with all the public servants, students and embassy staff (which is where I guess a lot of the cultural groups come from) a lot of the population of Canberra is generally not from Canberra, its hard enough to find natives!  It was a good fun evening and involved for me:
Kebab thingys from a Macedonian Stall (there were two Macedonian stalls!), dumplings from a Korean stall, beer from a german stall, a bun from the Lithuanian stall, curry from the Ghana stall, beer and biscuits from the Sicilian stall and pancakes from a Dutch stall.

Tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty!

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