Wednesday 9 February 2011


So last Wednesday we got the remnants of the previous week's cyclone, in a pretty epic thunderstorm.  Luckily it hit just as we were getting into the cars to go home from the local frisbee league which me and my friends have joined.  Its was pretty fierce, but something which I'm pretty used to in the UK.  We occasionally get the remnants of hurricanes in the UK, the ones which track up the east coast of the states eventually make it to us.  Obviously not hurricanes or hurricane force winds by then (usually takes a week or so) but still a pretty big storm.  I would not have wanted to be in Queensland last week.  And I suspect, given the climatic state, we might not have heard the last of the cyclone season so far.

Anyway, I meant to post this last week, its a comparison of the size of Cyclone Yasi to other parts of the world.  Pretty amazing. It is the entire size of the storm system though, the actual central destructive part is about UK size rather than Europe size (as also shown by the BBC) but that still pretty amazing.  Interestingly enough, most of the rainfall actually came from the stuff behind the cyclone as it came over.  Strange.

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