Saturday 8 January 2011

A department divided

One thing that was apparent at the department christmas do just before the break was the number of people that I didn't recognise.  The hidden half of the department emerged.  And I heard lots of people saying the same thing. As someone who is pretty much always at the departmental seminars, beer and nibbles, and makes it to morning coffee at least once a week I don't think its my fault, it's theirs!
The problem, at least in part lies in the division of the department on two sites (though this doesn't fully explain everybody).  Historically, when the university was first set up many of the subjects were split into a research section (research school) and a section (department), so that those who didn't want to teach didn't have to. The teaching section continued to do some research though.  It lead to a few quirks, not all universities have an experimental petrology group, we had two, working completly independantly in what was effectively two departments.  This of course, is rather silly, so the two sections were united a few years back into one body. But having two buildings, especially when they're reasonably far apart, has created a bit of a them and us approach.  As part of the environmental section of the department, we're especially split between the two buildings, other groups are less so.  LB, one of my best friends in the department is down the hill in the "other" department. But its also the case that the honours students (equivalent of an undergrad masters in Oxford) are also a bit isolated from the hustle and bustle of the larger research school.  However, there are some positives, given that the first year scientists are not yet tied to a department, keeping teaching space close to the other sciences and the undergrad halls certainly increases footfall.
 This is about to change though, with the destruction of one of the buildings which no-one really used anyway (it was old and basically a tin-shed) and the creation of a brand-spanking new 9th building (we have quite a few!) which will contain lecture facilities, undergrad teaching space and office and lab space.  The department will eventually become one on a single site and hopefully the integration will be a little better.
Apparently they want to build this place within a year, erm, really?? I know the old building didn't have foundations so the site was cleared very quicky, but still.  Good luck to them!

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