Monday 8 November 2010

More weather

At the risk of writing too much about the weather here, it has been awesome today.  Instead of the series of tame drizzly lows that have characterised the last month (its been so wet here recently, the wettest spring for decades probably) its warmed up a bit, now above twenty and the rainy lows have turned into epic thunderstorms. We've had three today, the first at five-thirty in the morning, waking pretty much everyone up.  The other two were this evening and involved some pretty serious cloud-bursts.  I was caught in the final cloudburst of the day cycling home, it was epic, and I was only about two minutes from home.

But I've only got myself to blame. Between the final two storms there was this fantastic light, a dark matt grey sky, with bright clouds where the sun shone between them.  The whole city was in that strange post-thunderstorm orangey glow that looks so awesome, like someone had turned up the brightness of all the colours.  It was really cool, so I stopped to take some photos (although being a camera phone they don't quite do the scene justice) and ended up getting caught by the fast approaching storm, damn!

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