Sunday 24 October 2010

Embarking on life the other side of the fence, will the grass be greener?

My IMac has arrived, and it is huuuuuuge. 27 Inch screen!, with all the bits and bobs located behind it.  Just look at it compared to my old laptop.  I spent a long while deliberating between mac and PC, and have decided to see what a Mac is really like.  So I'll be spending the next four years without a delete button or a stop button in the name of sleek efficiency, the Ctrl key not doing what the Crtl key should, an international rather than UK keyboard, and the nagging issue that its not really possible to turn anything off, not properly anyway.  On the other hand I've got a laptop style trackpad to go with it, and the things you can do with the gestures is amazingly cool, and about as useful as having a toolbar at the bottom of the screen.  Oh well!
Addendum (26/10/10): Though Mac does have a delete key, its actually the backspace key, the delete function does not exist for text.  Similarly, there is a stop button in Itunes, and a pause button on the keyboard, the two buttons serve the same purpose, which is a pause/stop hybrid which does neither of the two functions adequately, jack of all trades-esque.

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